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Resume format examples for every job application

    Different types of resumes

    Different resume formats achieve different results. Make sure you know which format to use in your particular situation.

    Most popular resume formats

    The most popular to choose from are chronological, functional or cross-functional (also known as combination) style. Here some examples of the different types of resumes styles to use to apply for jobs.

    Reverse chronological resume

    Resumes for all job levels can be presented in the reverse chronological format. It is the most commonly used approach. This resume highlights your achievements and responsibilities within the organisations for which you have worked. The organisations are listed in the reverse chronological order i.e. the most recent organisation is listed first. Place most emphasis upon your most recent positions given that they are the most relevant to the job requirements or the most senior.

    Example of a reverse chronological listing of positions

    Professional experience

    ABC Company 2015-2020

    [Brief description of company]

    Company Accountant

    [List responsibilities]

    [List key achievements]

    Jones Corporation 2008-2015

    [Brief description of company]


    [List responsibilities]

    [List key achievements]

    Functional resume

    Unlike the reverse chronological resume, primary emphasis is on your relevant functional skills and the achievements supporting them. They are highlighted without direct reference to the organisations in which they were developed or the timeframe of their acquisition.

    The functional skills are listed in priority order according to either the requirements of the job as expressed in a job advertisement or your independent research.

    Example of a functional resume

    Professional experience


    Key skill areas:

    Tax accounting

    [List responsibilities and achievements gained in last few positions]


    [List responsibilities and achievements gained in last few positions]

    Cross-functional resume

    This resume is comprised of a combination of both the chronological and functional styles and includes an outline of both your chronological career history and areas of expertise. The cross­ functional resume is useful if you wish to go into depth and highlight the various areas you were responsible for in your most recent position.

    Example of a cross-functional resume

    Professional experience

    ABC Company 2015-2020

    Company Accountant

    Tax accounting

    [List responsibilities and achievements gained in this position]


    [List responsibilities and achievements gained in this position]

    If you’re not sure what to include in your CV, read our guide on action words for resumes and cover letters.