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Job search contact records

    Library full of books to demonstrate job search contact record system

    Methodically keeping accurate job search contact records is a vital part of maintaining a systematic approach to finding a new role.

    Organised job application process

    Manage your job search like you would a work project and set up a tracking system. Every time you submit a job application, create a record based on the details in the advertisement or job posting so you have the details on file. You can do this online with electronic files, via a task management app, or by printing out applications, job adverts and position descriptions and keeping hard copies.

    Sometimes recruitment processes get stalled or put on hold. It may be weeks after you apply for a job that you receive a call from the hiring manager or recruiter. If you have an organised job application process, you can be prepared for when a recruiter or potential employer eventually contacts you.

    If you ask about a job vacancy over the phone or cold call, try to develop the habit of making notes as you talk. Pay particular attention to recording details of names, dates, titles and figures.

    If you don’t hear back about a job application

    Keeping details on file enables you to follow up a job application if you haven’t heard back in a reasonable time. You can use the contact details to connect via phone or email with the recruiter or employer. Update your tracking sheet with any further information or content.

    Job search contact record template to track applications

    To help you keep job search contact records we have developed a template for you to use and adapt.

    Newspaper / publication / website (Attach copy of / link to advertisement) 
    Date advertised 
    Telephone call 
    Person phoned 
    Outcome of call 
    Follow up required 
    Date action completed 
    Letter / email sent (Attach copy of / link to letter) 