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What is outplacement?

Coach explains to client what outplacement means

An introduction to outplacement

What is outplacement? It’s specialist support designed to help individuals move forward after redundancy, making it easier and quicker for them to find a new job.

Also known as career transition support, outplacement assists those who have lost their jobs due to redundancy in securing their next employment opportunity.

It’s a vital component of a best practice redundancy process and is increasingly recognised as an integral part of an organisation’s employee value proposition.

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What support does outplacement provide?

Outplacement services offer both practical and emotional support to ensure employees can successfully navigate the transition to their next career opportunity. facilitate a smooth transition to a new job. This support helps them regain confidence and direction after their role is made redundant.

Key services can include:

Counselling and wellbeing support
Emotional wellbeing is important during times of uncertainty. Outplacement offers counselling to help individuals manage the stress of job loss, boosting resilience as they prepare for the future.
Career assessments
In-depth assessments help identify strengths, transferable skills and new career paths and clarify the best steps forward.
Training needs analysis and advice
Understand skill gaps and receive guidance on courses or qualifications to stay competitive in the job market.
Resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn assistance
Get expert help writing an effective resume and LinkedIn profile that highlights key achievements, and develop strong cover letters that stand out to employers.
Application forms and selection criteria guidance
Advice on completing job application forms, addressing selection criteria and maximising chances of success.
Job search strategies
Learn effective techniques for identifying job opportunities, including creative strategies to access the hidden job market, where many unadvertised roles exist.
Working with recruiters
Gain insight into building relationships with recruiters and leveraging their networks to find job opportunities.
Interview coaching and tips
Improve interview performance with tailored coaching on how to answer common questions and make a lasting impression.
Networking advice
Build and maintain professional networks that enhance visibility and provide access to new opportunities.
Salary negotiation coaching
Learn strategies to negotiate better salaries, benefits, and working conditions, helping you secure a package that reflects your value.
Starting your own business
Receive advice and resources for those looking to start a business, whether it’s freelancing, consulting or launching a new venture.
Transitioning into retirement
For those nearing retirement age, outplacement offers guidance on planning professional and personal opportunities.

Benefits for employers

People find jobs faster

Offering support helps employees move forward positively, often securing new roles more quickly.

Reduce legal risk

Employees who feel valued and supported are less likely to pursue legal action and more inclined to speak positively about their former employer.

Communicate your values

Providing outplacement services demonstrates you value all your employees, even during difficult times.  

Maintain productivity

Career transition services help sustain workplace performance and boosts morale. Remaining staff see their colleagues are treated with care and respect.

Protect reputation

Outplacement safeguards your reputation, which is crucial when your company returns to growth.

Time and cost efficiencies

Outsourcing redundancy support reduces the workload on HR teams with cost-effective assistance.

Career transition support types

Types of support include:

Individual outplacement

One-to-one individual outplacement services offer excellent value and flexible support

Group programs

Group outplacement and workshops are ideal for larger numbers affected by redundancy

Executive outplacement

Executive programs provides specialist outplacement services for up to 12 months

How technology can help

In addition to the option of in-person/face-to-face coaching, technology enhances the accessibility, flexibility and effectiveness of career transition support.

Virtual coaching sessions, webinars and workshops via Zoom, Teams or Skype, or phone, make it easier for employees to receive guidance regardless of their location. Digital tools such as resume builders, job search tracking software, online job boards, networking tools, e-learning courses and AI-driven interview simulators help streamline the job search process and upgrade tools. Additionally, outplacement platforms often include access to online job boards, networking tools, and e-learning modules to upgrade skills.

How is success measured?

The effectives and value of outplacement for both the employee and employer can be measured by several key metrics:

  1. Reemployment rate: How many participants secure new jobs within a certain timeframe.
  2. Time to reemployment: The average duration it takes for individuals to find a new role.
  3. Engagement levels: How actively employees use outplacement services such as coaching or workshops.
  4. Employee feedback: Surveys and feedback from participants on the quality of support they received.
  5. Employer reputation: Tracking the company’s brand perception after a redundancy process to evaluate whether outplacement helped protect its reputation.
  6. Return on investment (ROI): Evaluating cost vs benefits, including the reduced strain on HR teams and improved morale of remaining employees.

Why outsource outplacement?

Outsourcing to a specialist outplacement provider can:

Help employees break emotional ties with their former company
Foster a supportive relationship between the employee and consultant
Allow your HR team to focus on business operations

How long does career transition support last?

Outplacement programs are tailored to company requirements. Typically we support people for between four to 12 weeks, with executive programs extending up to 12 months.


1 month

Bronze +

2 months


3 months 


6 months 


12+ months 

Is this support suitable for everyone?

Career transition services are not limited to executive roles. Employees at all levels — from recent graduates and award workers to industry-specific professionals and senior managers — can benefit from career transition services. Specialised support is also available for those considering retirement.

For executives, outplacement programs often focus on in-depth one-on-one coaching, strategic networking, personal branding and negotiation support for high-level roles. These programs may also include advice on transitioning to board positions or starting a consulting business.

For more junior employees, services may include resume writing, interview preparation and job search strategies tailored to their career stage. Group workshops or online resources are often suitable for this level.

Customising services ensures each individual receives the right level of support to match their professional experience and goals, resulting in more effective career transitions.

What sectors use outplacement?

Consultants work with clients across a wide range of sectors, including private, public and not-for-profit sectors. They work with organisations of all sizes, from small businesses facing individual redundancies to large corporations managing high-volume projects. Services are adaptable across sectors, to suit specific industry needs and challenges.

In the private sector, industries such as manufacturing, finance, healthcare, IT and retail commonly use outplacement during restructuring, mergers or downsizing projects. Outplacement helps maintain morale and brand reputation while supporting employees through career transitions.

In the public sector, government agencies and departments turn to outplacement during budget cuts, program changes or organisational shifts, ensuring affected employees receive the support they need to secure new roles within or outside the sector.

The not-for-profit sector, often undergoing funding changes or realignment of resources, can also benefit. Whether a small charity or a large NGO, outplacement helps employees transition while upholding the organisation’s values.

Is it the same as recruiting or headhunting?​

Organisations typically engage outplacement providers to deliver career transition support. These third-party specialists ensure your staff receive the assistance they need to find their next role.

Outplacement is not the same as recruiting or headhunting. While recruiters focus on filling specific job openings, outplacement supports individuals in navigating the job market and successfully transitioning to a new career. However, we do offer access to HR and recruitment contacts.

What is the cost to an employee?

Employers provide support to employees as part of of severance package. There is no cost to the employee. 

What if an employee doesn’t find a job during the program?

Some programs offer extended services until the employee secures a new role, including additional coaching, networking opportunities and job search strategies. The focus remains on building their confidence, updating their skills and providing guidance for a period after the official program ends, ensuring the employee remains supported in their job search journey.


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